Friday, September 26, 2014

Weekly Multicultural /Calendar Bulletin (Sep/Oct 2014)

STE's Weekly Calendar Alert Bulletin

A weekly bulletin to sensitize our subscribers to upcoming calendar events... breathes a little life, joy, color, and celebration into otherwise ordinary days.  

We also identify "Schedule alerts", those upcoming dates when organizations will experience unanticipated absenteeism, special days when those marking the occasion customarily take time off from work as part of religious practices, or just to celebrate the occasion with family and friends.  

Diversity at work - a fact in most organizations. A "branded" online multicultural diversity calendar like this for your organization's intranet / extranet keeps your managers ahead of those events which will affect employee attendance.

Add a "branded"  Multicultural Calendar to YOUR organization's intranet and customize it with YOUR organization-specific dates, eg: Founder's day; date of IPO; company picnic, etc.

[Ask me for more info!...]


National Hispanic Heritage Month
Initiated in 1968 as ’National Hispanic Heritage Week’ but was established in 1988 by the U.S. Congress, and includes the days between September 15-October 15. Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15 because this day marks the anniversary of independence for five Hispanic countries – Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico achieved independence on September 16, and Chile on September 18. Latinos from all across the nation take a moment to reflect upon their history, customs and culture, as well as the contributions their people have made to the U.S.

Schedule consideration: These dates are National holidays or Religious days when individuals may want to take time off to observe a holiday.


In Britain, Black History Month was first celebrated in October 1987 as part of African Jubilee Year. The decision to make this an annual event each October was endorsed by the Association of London Authorities. It has since grown to recognise and embrace the contributions and traditions of other black communities.

In 1945, in an effort to assist disabled veterans, Congress designated the first week of October as National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week. In the 1970s, a historic shift in disability public policy occurred. For the first time, the exclusion of people with disabilities was viewed as discrimination. The efforts of disability activists led to significant changes in laws, such as the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 and the designation of a full month to recognize the potential of America’s millions of working-age people with disabilities.

Established in 1992 by the Government of Canada, this special month provides an opportunity to learn more about women’s historic accomplishments and their contributions to Canadian society.


Schedule consideration: These dates are National holidays or Religious days when individuals may want to take time off to observe a holiday.

Saturday, October 4, 2014
Eid-ul-Adha Islam
It concludes the Hajj and is a three-day festival celebrating Abraham's test of obedience to Allah when he was asked to sacrifice his son Ismael. At the last minute, Allah replaced Ismael with a lamb. Since Eid is determined by the first sighting of the new moon, the date varies by a day depending on whether the Saudi Arabian or North American sighting is being observed. This calendar follows the North American dates which is a day later.
Yom Kippur Jewish
The Day of Atonement is the holiest and most solemn of all days in the Jewish year. They believe that once you atone for your mistakes, you can be 'at one' with God. Jews do not work and fast from sunset to sunset.

Monday, Oct 14, 2014
Thanksgiving Canada
Early Canadian settlers gave thanks for good harvests by decorating their churches with fruits and vegetables and celebrated dinner with venison and waterfowl.
Columbus Day (Obsvd) USA
This day commemorates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the New World.

Thursday, Oct 23, 2014
Diwali Sikh, Hindu
It means 'row of lights' and is the Hindu New Year. Diwali lasts for 5 days: Day 1 - New Year for business, Day 2 - the triumph of god Vishnu over the evil demon, Day 3 - Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity visits homes lit by lamps, Day 4 - Bali worship day, Day 5 - devoted to brothers and sisters.


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