Friday, January 02, 2015

STE's Multicultural Holidays Weekly Bulletin (January / February 2015)

STE's Weekly Calendar Alert Bulletin

A weekly bulletin to sensitize our subscribers to upcoming calendar events... breathes a little life, joy, and celebration into otherwise ordinary days.  

We also identify "Schedule alerts", those upcoming dates when organizations can expect unanticipated absenteeism, special days when those marking the occasion customarily take time off from work as part of religious practices, or just to celebrate the occasion with family and friends.  

Diversity at work - a fact in most organizations. A "branded" online multicultural diversity calendar like this for your organization's intranet / extranet keeps your managers ahead of those events which will affect employee attendance.

Add a "branded"  Multicultural Calendar to YOUR organization's intranet and customize it with YOUR organization-specific dates, eg: Founder's day; date of IPO; company picnic, etc.

[Ask  me for more info!...]


Schedule consideration: These dates are National holidays or Religious
days when individuals may want to take time off to observe a holiday.

January 1, 2015
New Years Day (International)

St. Basil's Day (Greece)
The Greeks call New Year, St. Basil's Day. Traditionally, gifts are exchanged.

January 6, 2015
Christmas (Armenia Christian)

January 7, 2015
Christmas (Christian Coptic and Eastern Orthodox)
On this day, some Eastern churches celebrate the birth of Jesus according to the Julian calendar, which is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian or Western calendar.

Monday, January 19, 2015
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (USA)
This day commemorates the leader of the "Civil Rights" movement in USA. People of all races and religions have benefited from the sacrifices and accomplishments made by this great man. He was a Nobel Prize winner (Peace Prize 1964) and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968.


In December of 1995, the Parliament of Canada recognized February as Black History Month following a motion introduced by the first African Canadian woman elected to Parliament, Jean Augustine. The presence of peoples of African descent in Canada dates back farther than Samuel de Champlain's (a French explorer and navigator in early 1600's) first voyage down the St. Lawrence River.

Black History Month, and more importantly, the study of black history is greatly owed to Dr. Carter G. Woodson who first launched “Negro History Week” in 1926. Woodson chose February because it marks the birthdays of two men who greatly impacted the American black population. Abraham Lincoln (president of the United States who freed slaves during the Civil War), and Frederick Douglass (a black who worked to end slavery) have birthdays in February. The purpose of this month is to recognize the contributions of Black Americans and develop a better understanding of the Black experience.

Schedule consideration: These dates are National holidays or Religious
days when individuals may want to take time off to observe a holiday.

Feb 16, 2015  (Canada)
Family Day
Feb 16, 2015  (USA)
Presidents Day (Obsvd)
A US Federal holiday that celebrates the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809, and George Washington, born February 22, 1732.

* Feb 19, 2015
Chinese New Year / Solnal (China, Buddhist, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea)
The year of the Sheep. This is the year 4713 in the Chinese Lunar calendar and the most important holiday. It is a three-day holiday in China and Hong Kong. The Chinese clean and decorate their homes with the 5 lucky signs of happiness; new clothes are worn and even the poorest buy new shoes, for it is considered bad luck to step down on the ground into old shoes. Vietnamese call it the 'Tet' Festival.

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