Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan 26: New Year - 2009 Year of the Earth Ox

The year of the Ox. This is the year 4707 in the Chinese Lunar calendar and the most important holiday. It is a three-day holiday in China and Hong Kong. The Chinese clean and decorate their homes with the 5 lucky signs of happiness; new clothes are worn and even the poorest buy new shoes, for it is considered bad luck to step down on the ground into old shoes. Vietnamese call it the 'Tet' Festival.

January 2009

Chinese New Year
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Monday, January 19, 2009

Jan 19: Kitchen God Celebration (China)

The custom is based on the traditional farewell ceremony for T'sao Wang, Prince of the Oven, before he leaves for his annual trip to heaven to report on families' good behavior during the year.
Multicultural Calendar

January 2009

Kitchen God Celebration
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Jan 19: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

A "schedule alert" day in the USA
Some people may wish or just take time off work on this day. Some employees have a statutory holiday on this day.

This day commemorates the leader of the "Civil Rights" movement in USA. People of all races and religions have benefited from the sacrifices and accomplishments made by this great man. He was a Nobel Prize winner (Peace Prize 1964) and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968.
Multicultural Calendar

January 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13: St. Knut's Day (Finland, Sweden)

Christmas trees are taken down to mark the "official" close of the Christmas season.
Multicultural Calendar

January 2009

St. Knut`s Day

St. Knut`s Day
King Knut who ruled Sweden from 1080-1086 is honoured as a saint for his virtue and generosity. He had declared that Christmas should be celebrated for twenty days, officially ending the season on January 13th. The days between Christmas and Saint Knut's Day are filled with parties for children and adults. After this day, trees are taken down to mark the official close of the season.
, Sweden
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Who is your real friend?

From my friend, Manuel.  Thought you might enjoy it.

Who is your real friend?

This really works...!
If you don't believe it, just try this experiment.
Put your dog and your spouse in the trunk of the car for an hour.
When you open the trunk, who is really happy to see you?



Posted via email from gub's posterous

Jan 12: Seijin No Hi (Japan)

Coming of age at age 20... sounds like a great idea.
Multicultural Calendar

January 2009

Seijin No Hi
This day celebrates Coming-of-Age of the youth of Japan who are twenty years old. They wear traditional clothes and visit the shrines where the family announce their adulthood to the spirits. This is a national holiday.
Seijin No Hi
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Friday, January 02, 2009

Jan 3 (early AM) The Quadrantid Meteor Shower

The Quadrantid meteor shower is one of the year's best, producing more than 100 meteors per hour from a radiant near the North Star. This year the shower peaks on Jan. 3rd.

the Quadrantids
The Quadrantid
meteor shower is one of the year's best, producing more than 100 meteors
per hour from a radiant near the North Star. This year the shower peaks
on Jan. 3rd. The timing favors observers in western
North America and Across the Pacific Ocean. The best time to look: during
the dark hours before sunrise on Saturday morning.
the Quadrantids are a major shower, they are seldom observed. One reason
is weather. The shower peaks in early January when northern winter is
in full swing. Storms and cold tend to keep observers inside. Last year,
NASA scientists went to extremes to gain a good view; they flew an airplane
above the clouds and over the Arctic Circle where they saw many Quadrantids:
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Jan 2: Berchtold's Day (Switzerland)

This day honours Duke Berchtold V, who founded Bern, the capital of Switzerland. He promised to name the city after the first animal he killed on a hunt. The bear (bern in German) then provided the city's name.
Multicultural Calendar

January 2009

(Click Image to Enlarge) Cassava - a peasant farmer in Nigeria harvests the cassava plant root, now  ready for consumption.
Berchtold's Day
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Thursday, January 01, 2009

January: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender History Month (U.K.)

Another interesting calendar event brought to you by Eric "Calendarwallah" Snyder and STE's Diversity Calendar

Multicultural Calendar
(Click Image to Enlarge) Cassava - a peasant farmer in Nigeria harvests the cassava plant root, now  ready for consumption.

January 2009

LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER HISTORY MONTH - R.-U.: was initiated by Schools OUT in Britain in February 2005. This is an opportunity for all to learn more about the lives and achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Britain and Northern Ireland.

© Copyright 2002-2009 Creative Cultural Communications. Reproduction of intellectual content is forbidden without express written consent.
Visit the Multicultural Calendar Web site to order this calendar.

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January 1: New Years Day (Int'l) / St Basil's Day (Greek) / Gantan-Sai (Japan)

Another important holiday brought to you by Eric "Calendarwallah" Snyder and STE's Diversity Calendar.

Multicultural Calendar
(Click Image to Enlarge) Cassava - a peasant farmer in Nigeria harvests the cassava plant root, now  ready for consumption.

January 2009

LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER HISTORY MONTH - R.-U.: was initiated by Schools OUT in Britain in February 2005. This is an opportunity for all to learn more about the lives and achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Britain and Northern Ireland.
  New Year`s Day

St. Basil's Day
The Greeks call New Year, St. Basil's Day. Traditionally, gifts are exchanged.
St. Basil's Day

 Independence Day
, Sudan

Gantan-sai, also referred to as Shogatu, is the Shinto New Year holiday. The faithful visit shrines, often at midnight, praying for renewal of heart, health, and prosperity. During the seven-day holiday, people wear their best clothing and visit the homes of friends and family to express their wishes for the coming year.
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